Speech to the Conference, “Iran Uprising, Role of Women and Youths, and Prospects of A Democratic Republic”-15 September 2023
Conference “Iran nationwide uprising, one year after”-7 September 2023
Conference, entitled “Four Decades of Crime against Humanity and Impunity from Punishment,” on the 35th anniversary of the 1988 massacre -21 August 2023
Maryam Rajavi addresses the Italian Chamber of Representatives -12 july 2023
Meeting with members of the Italian parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee -12 july 2023
Speech by Maryam Rajavi on Day 3 of the conference, “Onwards to the Democratic Republic” in Iran-3 July 2023
Day 2 of the Free Iran World Summit-Democratic Republic of Iran: The Necessity of Peace and Stability in the Region July 2, 2023
The Free Iran World Summit 2023: Onwards to a Democratic Republic- July 1, 2023
UK Houses of Parliament Declare Support for Iranian People’s Resistance and Uprising- June 13, 2023
Conference at the European Parliament – Iran: Prospects for Change and EU Policy- May 24, 2023
Maryam Rajavi addresses a hearing at the U.S. Congress sponsored by the Iranian Women Congressional Caucus and the Human Rights and Democracy in Iran Caucus – May 18, 2023
Addressing a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran at the National Assembly in Paris – May 17, 2023
Addressing a conference at the Italian Parliament – The Italian Senate’s majority support for the Iranian uprising and Resistance – April 12, 2023
PMOI gathering welcoming Liam Fox and Franz-Josef Jung, the former Defense Ministers of UK and Germany- March 30, 2023
Maryam Rajavi addresses a conference on the Holy Month of Ramadan- March 26, 2023
In the memory of the martyrs for Iran’s freedom at the beginning of the Iranian New Year (1402)- Museum of Resistance- Ashraf 3