
Maryam Rajavi: Purging presidential candidates, a clear sign of the final phase of the religious, terrorist dictatorship

Any interaction and cooperation with the clerical regime will be in service of the repression and slaughter of the Iranian people, and its nuclear weapons ambitions, and fueling wars in the region


Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian people will boycott the “elections”

The candidates are responsible for four decades of the regime's crimes


Marking May 1st, International Workers’ Day

Maryam Rajavi: Workers' great festival, the auspicious feast of freedom and equality, will arrive


Online conference in Germany: “The right policy: Human rights, an end to terrorism, support for the Iranian people’s uprising”

Maryam Rajavi: The people of Iran are determined to establish a democratically elected republic in Iran


Maryam Rajavi: Khamenei is the first culprit in the ongoing massive loss of lives in our country

I call on Iran’s young people to rise in solidarity and rush to the aid of the sick and vulnerable people


Pensioners’ uprising in 23 cities with chants of election’s boycott

Today, Iran’s honorable pensioners and retires once again held their protests and uprising across the country with chants which boycotted the mullahs’ election charade.


Clerical regime auctions the Iranian people’s assets and resources in a 25-year contract with China

The anti-Iranian mullahs’ regime auctioned the resources and properties of the people of Iran in a 25-year contract with China to preserve the disgraceful rule of the Velayat-e Faqih.


Message to the virtual conference featuring U.S. senators

Maryam Rajavi: The people of Iran no longer tolerate life under the mullahs’ rule


International Women’s Day

Maryam Rajavi: Women of Iran can and must win victory


Message to IWD conferences in Italy

Maryam Rajavi: International Women’s Day bears the promise of a new world without inequalities, oppression and fundamentalism


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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