The regime's election shams have always been boycotted by the Iranian people and Resistance since June 20, 1981.
Honorable lawmakers and dear friends, With the arrival of spring, Iranians are preparing to celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year, which marks the first day of the Iranian calendar year.
Honorable representatives,Distinguished personalities,
On the 50th anniversary of the loss of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq we renew our vows to establish freedom in Iran as this was the last will of the leader of Iran's Nationalist Movement to...
Honorable members of parliament,Dear friends,Ladies and Gentlemen,
The passing away of H.E. Lord Waddington deprived the world of a respectable human being who discovered the essence of law and justice in defending those who resist for freedom.
A conference was held by the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers (FIFCJ) from November 14 to 17, 2016, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Christmas is the day when the world was blessed to see the birth of God's great prophet. Merry Christmas to all Christians in Iran and around the world.
Maryam Rajavi strongly condemned the terrorist attack at Christmas on innocent people in Berlin.
Mogens Camre, former MEP from Denmark and a great friend and supporter of the Iranian Resistance, passed away on December 5, 2016.
The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran