
Maryam Rajavi’s message to demonstration for a Free Iran in Berlin

The arisen Iranians who are staging this huge and magnificent demonstration in Berlin, the Free Iran gathering in Germany.


Frustrated with the ruling of the Swedish Judiciary and the global campaign against its dirty deal in Belgium, the clerical regime designates 61 American dignitaries

The clerical regime’s Foreign Ministry designated and imposed sanctions on a group of US senators, House representatives, and bipartisan dignitaries.


Maryam Rajavi’s message to the demonstration of freedom-loving Iranians in Stockholm

We would not relent until we pour the poison chalice of human rights down the throat of religious fascism

Message to the Iranians demonstration in Brussels

The global campaign against the treaty granting immunity to religious fascism’s terrorism


A call to protest the harassment and insulting of women by the misogynist mullahs’ regime patrols

We have repeatedly reiterated our position: “No to the compulsory veil, no to the compulsory religion, and no to the compulsory government.”


Condolences on the passing of former Albanian President, Hon. Bujar Nishani

I offer my condolences on the passing of former Albanian President, Hon. Bujar Nishani to his family, the Albanian people and government.


Maryam Rajavi’s message on International Workers’ Day

Iran’s rebellious workers will join the great army of freedom to bring down religious fascism, and replace it with liberty and equality


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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