We have repeatedly reiterated our position: “No to the compulsory veil, no to the compulsory religion, and no to the compulsory government.”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), extended her gratitude to all Iranians, parliamentarians, lawyers, and political figures participating in the global campaign against the shameful deal...
Maryam Rajvai: The only way out of poverty, inflation, and high prices, is to free Iran from the grips of the criminal and predatory mullahs
Maryam Rajavi: If this legislation is ratified, no one in Europe will have security and immunity from the murderers ruling Iran
Maryam Rajavi: Criminal executions are a sign of the mullahs' desperation in the face of an explosive society; but they will not escape inevitable overthrow.
Maryam Rajavi hailed the retirees and bazaar merchants who rose up to demand their right to life and freedom
Maryam Rajavi urges the United Nations and international human rights organizations to take action to secure the release of imprisoned teachers in Iran
Postponing the issue to the next meeting provides opportunity to the regime to produce bomb
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: The retirees' cry in the four corners of Iran is a manifestation of the voice of a nation that wants the end of the velayat-e-faqih regime
I offer my condolences on the passing of former Albanian President, Hon. Bujar Nishani to his family, the Albanian people and government.