Maryam Rajavi described the increasing and unbridled trend of Coronavirus patients and victims as the direct outcome of the inhumane and unpatriotic policies of Khamenei and Rouhani
The State Security Force must be proscribed and blacklisted as a terrorist entity
Message to the conference in Brussels on “Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe, EU Obligations”
Maryam Rajavi: I condole the bereaving families. With the scarcity of medicines for diabetes, millions of Iranians are at risk. The IRGC, however, fills their own pockets...
Message to the conference at the UK House of Commons, “Iranian regime’s terrorism poses threat to global security”
Mohammad Reza Shajarian, one of the most renowned masters of traditional Persian music and songs, passed away after a long bout with illness.
Message to the gathering in Berlin on the World Day Against the Death Penalty
Hail to the doctors and nurses who are trying to save the lives of patients by accepting the highest risks.
Maryam Rajavi: My deepest sympathies go out to the bereaved families of victims of the Coronavirus across Iran
After six weeks of silence, Khamenei, the prime person responsible for the Coronavirus catastrophe in Iran, blamed the people again: “Officials are sacrificing themselves, we the people, must do our...