The Corona outbreak hits Iran again even before the fall and flu epidemic
Mrs. Rajavi welcomes the decision, adding, the perpetrators of crime against humanity have ruled Iran with impunity for 40 years. The UN Security Council and Europe must bring them to...
The mullahs’ criminal regime sent Navid Afkari to the gallows. But they will soon receive their response from Iran’s people and brave youth in their blazing protests and uprisings to...
Message to conference entitled, “Seeking Justice for Victims of the 1988 Massacre of the political prisoners in Iran”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: This tragedy is the result of Khamenei and Rouhani's policies. They will cause a greater tragedy by reopening schools
Message to the participants in the Exhibition of 120,000 martyrs for Iran’s freedom
Message on the new school year 2020-2021
Call for the condemnation of torture and crimes against humanity and for immediate action to secure the release of the Afkari brothers and all detained protesters
Maryam Rajavi calls for an urgent national and international action to stop the death sentence of Navid Afkari
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls on the brave youth of Ahvaz to support the inhabitants of the village, who only defended their lives and homes against the...