Maryam Rajavi: Hail to the protesting nurses in Mashhad, and all the physicians, nurses and medical staff who have risked their own lives to save the...
Maryam Rajavi: Instead of taking urgent action to save those trapped in the fire, the mullahs’ repressive regime sent its security forces to Tehran’s Sina Clinic
Over 16,000 deaths in Tehran province hospitals alone
My sincere condolences on the loss of our good friend of difficult times and dear supporter of the Iranian Resistance, Mr. Manuel Rizquez.
Activating the snapback mechanism, reinstating six Security Council resolutions, completely halting enrichment, the closing down the nuclear sites, and anywhere, anytime inspections are imperative in preventing Iran's ruling religious fascism...
Message to a virtual conference announcing the support of the majority of U.S. Congress for Resolution 374 to stand with the people of Iran for freedom
Maryam Rajavi: As a result of Khamenei's, Rouhani's anti-human policies, Coronavirus is ablaze and taking lives all over Iran
Ali Younesi has contracted the Covid-19 disease in Evin Prison, despite previous warnings and calls by various international bodies and associations.
Imperative to re-impose of the six UN Security Council resolutions, activate trigger mechanism
Maryam Rajavi: Such great loss of lives could have been avoided