Maryam Rajavi’s New Year Message Dear compatriots, At the outset of (the Persian New Year) 1399, and before all else, we pray that God Almighty protect the people of Iran from Coronavirus. The...
On eve of the Iranian New Year, Mrs. Rajavi offers prayers for a speedy recovery of patients, her condolences to victims’ families
This is the last Tuesday of (the Persian Year) 1398, marking a crimson and blazing Feast of Fire for the people of Iran who are grieving in pain, and who...
Mrs. Rajavi calls on youth, popular councils to support and assist patients
Mrs. Rajavi: Not releasing prisoners is a great crime against humanity for which Khamenei is responsible, the world should intervene
Khamenei claim of “possible biological attack” meant to justify IRGC’s new task to counter the uprising
Isfahan ranks first for the speed at which the virus is spreading, and no cities in the province are immune from the Coronavirus outbreak
Message to a U.S. Senate conference entitled, Iran Uprising: The Nation Rises for Freedom- Human Rights & Democracy in Iran
Maryam Rajavi: Sunnis are in dire conditions in Gonbad Kavous; WHO must rush to their aid.
Several PMOI (MEK) activists, including Negar Siyah Mansouri, Moharamali Esmaeeli and Hassan Nayyeri among the victims