Maryam Rajavi: Religious fascism is coming to an end, Britain and Europe must side with the Iranian people for regime change
Message to the Iranians’ rally in London
Maryam Rajavi: The European Union should list Beyt Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), main centers of suppression and terrorism, in the list of terrorist...
Message to the Iranians’ rally in Sweden
Message to the rally of Iranians in Berlin Honorable dignitaries, Fellow Iranians risen up for Iran’s freedom, Supporters and sympathizers of the Iranian Resistance who have come from all across Germany in Berlin. I...
Great Rally of Iranians in Berlin Trade with the mullahs, fueling the machine of suppression and assassination, and giving them concessions, increases the prospect of war.
Rouhani's praise of the Revolutionary Guards for firing at the drone and the necessity of sanctioning and designating him as terrorist
Message to the Iranians’ rally in Washington, D.C. What is the real question for US and European policies vis-a-vis the fascist religious regime ruling Iran? Fellow citizens, freedom-loving Iranians, sympathizers and friends of...
Thousands of Iranians gathered for a large protest demonstration in Brussels on Saturday, 15 June 2019. The protestors condemned the brutal violation of human rights by the ruling regime and its instigation of terrorism...
Call to condemn the terrible killing of political prisoner Alireza Shir Mohammad Ali