If you persist, the world will stand with you and on your side.
Thousands of salutes to martyrs in the cities of Doroud, Tuyserkan, Noorabad, Izeh, Shahinshahr, Ghahdarijan, Homayounshahr and Jouyabad of Isfahan!
Brave women and men who rose up on December 28 and 29 and spread the message of freedom to Iranian cities,
Maryam Rajavi saluted the heroic people of Kermanshah and other cities who rose up today with the slogans “death or freedom”, “death to Rouhani”, “death to the dictator”, and “political...
Maryam Rajavi: The heroic uprising of today reflects the people’s general demand to overthrow the mullahs
Fellow Christian compatriots,Followers of Jesus Christ around the world,I would like to extend my sincere congratulations for Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ.
This declaration was distributed in a conference at the European Parliament on December 6, 2017, on the eve of the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human...
Maryam Rajavi calls on the UN to launch committee to investigate the 1988 massacre in Iran, and prosecute and punish the officials in charge
“Just as it was necessary to confront Daesh, it is far more imperative now to fight a hundred-times greater danger: the religious dictatorship in Iran, the IRGC and its mercenary...
Saving human rights and environment in Iran hinges on regime change- Paris – December 11, 2017