Honorable lawmakers and dear friends, With the arrival of spring, Iranians are preparing to celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year, which marks the first day of the Iranian calendar year.
Honorable representatives,Distinguished personalities,
On the 50th anniversary of the loss of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq we renew our vows to establish freedom in Iran as this was the last will of the leader of Iran's Nationalist Movement to...
Honorable members of parliament,Dear friends,Ladies and Gentlemen,
The passing away of H.E. Lord Waddington deprived the world of a respectable human being who discovered the essence of law and justice in defending those who resist for freedom.
The people of Ahvaz in southwest Iran continued their rallies for the fifth consecutive day outside the regime’s governorate, protesting atrocious air contamination, and continuous water and electricity outages in various cities...
The people of Ahwaz shouted, "Death to tyranny", "death to repression", "we, the people of Ahwaz won't accept oppression!"
Maryam Rajavi expressed her sorrow and regrets over the catastrophic fire which burned Tehran's Plasco Building, killing a large number of people and firefighters.
Maryam Rajavi urges referral of the clerical regime's dossier of crimes to the UN Security Council
With the death of Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of the two pillars and key to the equilibrium of the religious fascism ruling Iran has collapsed and the regime in...