
Maryam Rajavi at the conference of Iran, Regime Change, Provision of Security for Camp Liberty Residents

We call on Western governments to make contingent their relations with the mullahs’ regime to the issue of human rights


Maryam Rajavi at the International conference on the occasion of International Women’s Day – Paris

Warning on the spread of misogynic Islamic fundamentalism by mullahs ruling IranIf the mullahs were to abandon misogyny the ruling theocracy would collapse.


Maryam Rajavi: Insults to Bakhtiaris is an insult to all Iranians

NCRI - Following the broadcast of a TV series by the state-run broadcaster IRIB insulting the Iranian Bakhtiari community, a wave of protests engulfed a number of cities across the...


Meeting in French Senate with Senators from various political parties

Maryam Rajavi, on the eve of Geneva II Conference: Evicting the Iranian regime from Syria is the only solution for ending the rule of the murderous tyranny in that country


In a meeting at the headquarters of the Iranian resistance in France it was announced:Statement by 14,000 French mayors and representatives in support of the Iranian Resistance

Statement calls for a halt to executions in Iran, immediate release of seven Ashraf hostages, and protection of Camp Liberty


Ceremony in commemoration of the most recent rocket attack victims of Camp Liberty at Auvers-sur-Oise-France

Maryam Rajavi: Call for an independent UN inquiry into rocket attacks on and massacre of Iranian dissidents in Iraq And imperative for urgent action by U.S., EU and UN to...


UN General Assembly’s resolution – Violation of human rights in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: After sixty condemnations, enough of words; mullahs’ regime criminal file must be referred to the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court


Great International Conference in Rome

Support for international campaign by the Iranian Resistance to free seven Ashraf hostages, guarantee security of Camp Liberty residents

Spanish Court Condemns Iraq, Maryam Rajavi Calls for End of Hunger Strikes

Following the adoption of an order by a Spanish court against Faleh Fayad, National Security Advisor to Nouri Maliki


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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