
Maryam Rajavi offers her condolences for passing away of Nelson Mandela

to people of South Africa and to all strugglers against discrimination and injustice the world throughout


Maryam Rajavi attends Belgian Senate session

Lawmakers call on Belgian government to place efforts to save lives of Ashrafi hostages, provide security for Camp Liberty - Silence and inaction by US, UN...


Mayam Rajavi sends condolences to Bushehr earthquake victims, calls on Iranians to help them

Following an earthquake in the towns of Borazjan and Dashestan near the city of Bushehr located in southern Iran, which led to many people being killed, wounded and left without...


Iranians go on hunger strike in front of White House to free seven Ashraf hostages

On Monday, November 25, a number of compatriots and families of martyrs and PMOI members in Camp Liberty began their hunger strike in front of the White House in Washington...


Maryam Rajavi: Sanctions force Iranian regime to take one step back in building a nuclear bomb

If the international community fails to implement Security Council resolutions, Khamenei will once again move towards building the bomb through deception and cheating


On the occasion of International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

Maryam Rajavi called on all women around the world to defend the rights and to provide security for women in Camp Liberty and all oppressed women in Iran


Jordanian parliamentarians support the Iranian Resistance

Presenting statement of Jordanian parliament majority for release of hostages and providing security to Camp Liberty to Rajavi by 19 Jordanian lawmakers


Maryam Rajavi: Anything less than complete execution of 6 UNSC resolutions is Iran’s deceitful plan

Accord with the mullahs without full suspension of nuclear projects will buy time for them to produce nuclear bomb


Maryam Rajavi: Solidarity with call for protest and public mourning in Iran Kurdistan

Maryam Rajavi, yesterday hailed Habibollah Golparipour, Reza Esmaeili and Shirkou Ma’arefi, martyrs and heroic children of Kurdistan, and hailed people of cities of Saqez, Baneh, Marivan, Paveh and Nosoud, especially...

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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