Maryam Rajavi welcomes new U.S., U.K. sanctions against clerical regime and calls for comprehensive oil, financial, and trade sanctions
International community’s consensus in condemning the systematic and savage violation of human rights in Iran obliges the international community to refer the file to the UN Security Council
The Iranian Resistance is in no way willing to discuss relocation of Ashraf residents inside Iraq unless their protection in the new location is officially guaranteed by the American forces...
Maryam Rajavi, speaking on the new IAEA report that confirms the military nature of the clerical regime's nuclear activities, said:
Concurrent with the announcement of U.S. forces withdrawal from Iraq
With the announcement of US forces’ withdrawal from Iraq,Tehran unveils 7-point pact with Maliki’s government against Ashraf
Maryam Rajavi described the plot by Iranian regime's Quds Force to assassinate Saudi Ambassador
Maryam Rajavi described the demagogic theatrics of the Iranian regime in gathering a number of its proxies and hirelings under the
Once again, on 22 September in New York, upon orders from Maliki