
Iran: Retirees protest for the third time in the Persian new year in 27 cities (20 provinces)

Maryam Rajavi: The protests by the dignified retirees reflect the cries of protests by all Iranians to obtain their pillaged rights


Marking Nowruz in solidarity with the Iranian people and Resistance

Online conference featuring France's elected representatives as well as social and political dignitaries - Auvers-Sur-Oise


Nowruz, the new Iranian year, 1400, celebrated with Mrs. Rajavi’s remarks

Messages by Political Prisoners, Resistance Units, remarks, and messages by 84 parliamentarians and political dignitaries from 20 countries


Iran: Retirees, pensioners stage protests in 21 cities protests in 15 provinces for the eighth week running

Maryam Rajavi: That so long as the mullahs’ dictatorship remains in power, unemployment, inflation, corruption, injustice, and class differences will only increase.


Iran: Forcible exile of political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared to Semnan Prison

Mrs. Rajavi urged the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women to investigate the condition and health of Maryam Akbari and Golrokh Ebrahimi Eraei


Fourth day of the uprising in Zahedan and other cities

Maryam Rajavi: Cutting off the Internet, shooting, massacring, and sending Helicopters will no longer work


Iran: IRGC’s base in Korin, Zahedan taken over

Maryam Rajavi: Hail to the brave and rebellious Baluchi compatriots in Sistan and Baluchestan


General strike in Saravan, clashes continue

More than 40 people killed, over 100 wounded during clashes


Iran: Retirees launch nationwide rallies and protests in 20 cities

Maryam Rajavi: That as long as this corrupt and plundering regime is in power, poverty, discrimination, inflation, high prices and unemployment will continue and intensify


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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