On Sunday, October 20, 2019, workers at Azarab factory in the city of Arak (central Iran) continued their demonstrations for the 12th day running despite repeated threats and suppressive measures...
Mrs. Rajavi: mullahs’ suppression crumbles under workers’ resolve
Mrs. Rajavi hails the protesters and urges youths to support them
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s call for establishing an international fact finding mission to inspect the Iranian regime’s prisons
Inaction only emboldens Iran’s religious dictatorship
On Tuesday September 17, 2019, workers at Arak Hepco Company continued their protest outside the company despite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Riot units threatening them.
Maryam Rajavi: Religious fascism is coming to an end, Britain and Europe must side with the Iranian people for regime change
Maryam Rajavi: The European Union should list Beyt Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), main centers of suppression and terrorism, in the list of terrorist...
Great Rally of Iranians in Berlin Trade with the mullahs, fueling the machine of suppression and assassination, and giving them concessions, increases the prospect of war.
Rouhani's praise of the Revolutionary Guards for firing at the drone and the necessity of sanctioning and designating him as terrorist