Maryam Rajavi: The requisite for rejecting ‘Islamic’ extremism is to confront the Iranian regime and to support its alternative that is based on a democratic Islam
Adoption of 61st UN Resolution censuring flagrant and systematic human rights violations in Iran
The current session of the General Assembly should refer Iran’s dossier of human rights violation to the Security Council
Maryam Rajavi: Reyhaneh Jabbari's hanging, is another sign of the clerical regime's savagery and the other side of the coin of criminal acid attack on innocent Iranian women and girls
Maryam Rajavi calls on international organizations in defense of human rights and women’s rights to condemn this blind state terrorism and press the clerical regime to end this barbarism against...
Maryam Rajavi expressed deep resentment for these appalling
Indifference in face of daily executions on pretext of nuclear negotiations encourages criminals
Maryam Rajavi: Suppression of the Iranian Resistance in collaboration with the mullahs diverted attentions from the real terrorism and offered greatest opportunities to fundamentalists
Call by Maryam Rajavi for swift and unconditional release of all imprisoned dervishes
Maryam Rajavi: Resolving Iraq crisis is impossible without uprooting the Iranian regime and its terrorist groupings