
Iran: Rajavi’s call to international community

Save lives of Sunni prisoners condemned to death


Maryam Rajavi: The dossier of violation of human rights in Iran must be presented to the UN Security Council

Iran: 471 registered executions by mullahs’ regime since beginning of 2013 until the International Day against Death Penalty 231 executions, including 10 women, since the presidential election


Maryam Rajavi at the conference in Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe in Strasburg

On Monday, September 30, at the invitation of the British Parliamentary Committee for a Free Iran, in a conference at the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe in Strasburg, the...


International conference in Geneva warns on massacre in Camp Liberty

Urgent call on U.S., UN, and in particular the High Commissioner for Human Rights:Urgent action to save lives of seven Ashraf hostages threatened to be extradited to...


The Iraqi government recognizes that has arrested 7 PMOI members

After 11days, Iraqi government confirmed that 7 PMOI hostages are in the security forces custody


Upon the request of Maryam Rajavi and based on assurances provided by the U.S. State Department Ashraf residents went to Camp Liberty

Upon the request of Maryam Rajavi and based on assurances of the U.S. State Department on the security of Camp Liberty

Destroying solution of returning to Ashraf and paving way for future attacks on Camp Liberty

Joint objective of Iraqi government and clerical regime in the September 1st massacre


Call on the UN and US to take urgent action for protection of the residents

They must be either all transfered to the United States or the UN Blue Helmets must be settled in Camps Ashraf and Liberty in order to protect the residents


Maryam Rajavi expresses condolences to the affected people in four flooded provinces

Maryam Rajavi, expressed her condolences to the stricken people of affected provinces for the tragic death of a number of helpless fellow Iranians due to the devastating floods in four...


Maryam Rajavi: Kobler’s actions betray human rights and R-to-P principle and stain UN’s record Secretary-General as international guardian of Responsibility-to-Protect must end the blood trade and suffering of imprisoned refugees at Camp Liberty

At the session of the UN Security Council on Tuesday, July 16, Martin Kobler, who ends his mandate in Iraq, demonized the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty, who have...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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