In their seventh day of hunger strike, the six hostages, members of the PMOI, were released by the verdict of the court of Khalis.
United Nations' spokesmen in Geneva and New York said that:
At least 31 Camp Ashraf residents including 7 women have been killed by Iraqi forces brutal attack
According to reports from Ashraf, until now, a number of residents have been injured in the aggression of the murderous Iraqi forces and at least one taken hostage.
Maryam Rajavi described killing of the defenseless Ashraf residents at the hands of the aggressive forces of Nouri al-Maliki a crime against humanity and a war crime.
Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the adoption of the United Nations' Human Rights Council resolution on violations of human rights by the clerical regime
Maryam Rajavi described the massacre of defenseless prisoners in Qezelhessar prison on Tuesday night
Maryam Rajavi calls for the appointment of a special rapporteur on violation of human rights in Iran and referral of the regime’s human rights violations dossier to UN Security Council
The inevitable surgery is the result of people’s mounting uprisings and resistance, undermining Khamenei’s rule within the regime, expediting clerical dictatorship’s downfall
Maryam Rajavi described attempts of the religious fascism ruling Iran to prevent the ceremony to pay tribute to Mohammad Mokhtari 22 and Sane' Jaleh