Referring the mullahs’ nuclear file to the Security Council is only the first step

Referring the mullahs’ nuclear file to the Security Council is only the first stepThe text of a video message by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi to the rally of Iranian in front of the White House on 19 Jan, 2006
“The policy of appeasement empowered the mullahs to pose a major threat to the world through their adventurist policies.
The principle response to this crisis is, before anything else, regime change in Iran. This could only be realized through the efforts of the Iranian people and their organized Resistance.
Thus, the time has come to remove the Mojahedin from the terrorist list and end the unjust restrictions placed on the Iranian Resistance in these years…”
I salute all of you for your magnificent and lively rally in Washington today.
You have come together at a time when the world has attested the righteousness of the Iranian people’s demands and moved closer to an international consensus to refer the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council.
This situation is before anything else the outcome of efforts by the Iranian Resistance and each and every one of you, who have persevered in your just cause.
It was your efforts that exposed the mullahs’ ominous objectives.
Referring the mullahs’ nuclear file to the Security Council is only the first step.
Time has come to refer the files on the mullahs’ crimes against the Iranian people and its sponsorship of terrorism to the UN Security Council and prosecute the regime’s leaders in an international tribunal.
Time has come to abandon the policy of appeasement in all its aspects.
The Iranian people and Resistance have been the main victims of this policy.
The People’s Mojahedin was placed in the list of terrorist organizations to appease the mullahs.
The appeasers labeled Iran’s freedom fighters as terrorist, but rolled out a red carpet to welcome the terrorist rulers of Iran.
The policy of appeasement empowered the mullahs to pose a major threat to the world through their adventurist policies.
The principle response to this crisis is, before anything else, regime change in Iran. This could only be realized through the efforts of the Iranian people and their organized Resistance.
Thus, the time has come to remove the Mojahedin from the terrorist list and end the unjust restrictions placed on the Iranian Resistance in these years.
Dear compatriots,
During nuclear talks with Tehran in November 2004, the EU-3 made a shameful pledge to keep the Mojahedin in the terror list if the mullahs agreed to suspend uranium enrichment. Today, as the regime starts enrichment in the face of European protests, only the shame of appeasement remains for the Europeans. This is the result of appeasing the mullahs.
We had warned many years ago that appeasement further emboldens the mullahs and that the mullahs’ nuclear file must be referred to the Security Council. A few days ago, the British Foreign Secretary acknowledged that the EU could have immediately referred the regime’s file to the Security Council when it became clear that it had violated its obligations.
Regrettably, warnings by the Iranian Resistance about the mullahs’ increasing meddling in Iraq were not heeded either. As a result, the mullahs penetrated all Iraqi ministries and government agencies and set up informal torture centers. Today, many Iraqis are talking about a hidden occupation of Iraq by the mullahs. By engaging in massive fraud and vote rigging during the parliamentary elections, the mullahs tried to consolidate their influence in that country.
In the short period since the ascension of Ahmadinejad, the mullahs have dramatically stepped up their opposition to Middle East peace and are threatening countries in the region and the world with ever more belligerence.
The mullahs are convinced that the international community lacks the will to deal with their policies.
The litmus test for standing up to Tehran is a change in the policy pursued by the United States and Europe concerning the Iranian Mojahedin. The regime’s brazen posture could only be explained by the inclusion of its main opposition movement in the terrorist list and the restrictions imposed on it.
The terrorist list and pressures on the Iranian Resistance are the main obstacle to the establishment of freedom and to the realization of its capabilities. As 2.8 million Iraqis acknowledged in their statement last April, the pressures and restrictions against the Iranian people “have upset the strategic balance of power with the Iranian regime in this sensitive region of the world.”
So long as this designation remains in place, the mullahs have nothing to worry about as the main threat to their survival is contained.
We do not expect anything from Western governments, other than to remove the obstacles they have placed in the path of the Iranian people’s struggle because of appeasement.
The terror tag is the legacy of the amoral and failed policy of appeasing the mullahs. Time has come to end this misguided policy.
The overthrow of the mullahs’ regime is the demand of the Iranian nation and indispensable to global peace and security.
Thus, restricting a Resistance that is the main catalyst of change in Iran could lead to a disaster of global proportions.
Dear Compatriots,
Our enchained nation is passing through a sensitive juncture, which puts a great burden on our shoulders.
On behalf of the Iranian Resistance, I call for solidarity among the great nation of Iran against the clerical regime and its backers.
The mullahs have tried their utmost to destroy freedom’s fortress, the focal point of the Iranian Resistance, which is in Ashraf City. But Ashraf persevered and shall persevere. The Iran’s freedom fighters in Ashraf City have pledged to keep aloft the flag of Resistance until freedom reigns in Iran.
This steadfastness has prompted the world to respect and recognize the Iranian people’s sacred right to resist.
I commend all of you who have hoisted this flag around the globe.
Hail to the great nation of Iran
Hail to Freedom.
- Tags: Maryam Rajavi, MEK, NCRI