Spanish Court Condemns Iraq, Maryam Rajavi Calls for End of Hunger Strikes

for crime against humanity committed due to his direct role in September 1 massacre of 52 residents of Camp Ashraf and abduction of seven others, Maryan Rajavi, urged on the residents of Camp Liberty and Iranians in various countries to end their worldwide hunger strike.
She added that with the arrival of this judicial order against those responsible for crime against humanity, the worldwide campaign for freedom of hostages and protection of Camp Liberty residents, also to achieve the demands of the hunger striking prisoner all over Iran, will continue unabated and more forcefully until its final resolution.
Rajavi congratulated the hunger strikers in Camp Liberty, Geneva, Berlin, Ottawa, London, Melbourne, Washington, Rome and Stockholm on this great victory and she stressed that their campaign had set a glorious and historical example in resistance against tyranny and oppression.
By sending messages and delegation on numerous occasions, Mrs Rajavi had previously urged those critically ill to end their hunger strike however many continued their protest well over 100 days and some for 108 days.
The order by the Court of spain has been adopted under the principles of universal jurisdiction conferred by the IV Convention of Geneva to national Courts of Justice. The Court decided to extend the investigation to Faleh Fayad “as person responsible for grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) and First Additional Protocol committed as from May 2010 in the latter’s capacity as Chairman of the ‘Ashraf Committee’ attached to the office of Prime Minister al-Maliki, and in particular for his alleged involvement in the massacres of 8 April 2011 and 1 September 2013 of ‘protected persons’ under IV Geneva Convention residing in the city of Ashraf (Iraq),….in conjunction with the reported offences of 35 murders and 337 cases of willful injury on 8 April 2011 and 52 murders and 7 abductions on 1 September 2013, along with torture and bodily harm to Ashraf residents.”
The Order also states that “Killings, injuries, noise bombardment, denial of food and healthcare – nothing can happen at Ashraf without the knowledge of the Committee members and in particular of Faleh al-Fayad. In the civil and military hierarchy he was the person in charge of the operation on 8 April 2011 under the orders of the Prime Minister, who is Commander in- chief of the Iraqi armed forces. In security matters throughout the country, including Ashraf, Faleh al-Fayad is the person in charge.”
According to the Court Decision “On 1 September 2013 the Iraqi military forces surrounding and occupying Ashraf permitted the cold-blooded massacre of 52 residents – of the roughly 100 residents who had not been forced to move to “Camp Liberty”, all with protected person status under the Fourth Geneva Convention. A further seven “protected persons” were abducted during this assault and have yet to be released, and neither have the Iraqi authorities said where they are. Property belonging to the residents was looted, several buildings were destroyed with explosives and one was burned down.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 17, 2013