
Greetings on Eid-al Fitr

Congratulations on the advent of Eid-al Fitr to my dear compatriots and Muslims all over the world. I wish the emancipating messages of this great Eid would...


France Culture Radio interviews Maryam Rajavi: The voice of Iranian Resistance

In a program entitled, "the Voice of Iranian Resistance", and broadcast on May 31, 2016, Radio France Culture discussed the role of Iranian women in the Iranian Resistance.


Maryam Rajavi: Inaction in the face of great tragedy of the century in Aleppo blemishes the international community

Savagery of the mullahs and their allies and mercenaries indicates their failure in saving the Syrian dictator  


Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian Regime Will Collapse Following Assad’s Leave from Power

Maryam Rajavi interview with daily Asharq Al-Awsat on Sunday, 17 April 2016Huda Al HusseiniParis-Maryam Rajavi, President of the “People’s Mujahedin of Iran” party, said...


Maryam Rajavi condemns Brussels terrorist attacks

Maryam Rajavi, strongly condemned the terrorist attacks at Brussels’ airport and subway station as crime against humanity. While offering her condolences to...


Forbes- February 26, 2016 No Real Choice In The Iran ‘Elections’ By Maryam Rajavi

This week Iran will hold two concurrent “elections,” one for the Majlis (parliament) and the other for the Assembly of Experts, whose theoretical mandate is to select the supreme leader.


Extremism under the banner of Islam is a fatal epidemic

On March 2, 2016 at a meeting in European Parliament in Brussel, chaired by Ms. Beatriz Becerra, the European MP from Spain, Maryam Rajavi talked about “women’s role in War...


Maryam Rajavi at the european parliament on Iran’s Nuclear Accord

EU Policy on Iran after Nuclear Accord Maryam Rajavi's Speech at the European Parliament

Protests greet ‘executioner’ Rouhani’s visit to France

AFPAt a rally to kick off the march, speaker after speaker condemned Rouhani's human rights record, noting that some 2,000 people have been executed in Iran since...


Welcoming Rouhani emboldens the regime in stepping up executions

Regarding the trip by Hassan Rouhani, the President of the clerical regime, to Italy and France, Maryam Rajavi, said:As a mullah, Rouhani is a defender of the...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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