Message to a U.S. Senate conference entitled, Iran Uprising: The Nation Rises for Freedom- Human Rights & Democracy in Iran
Regime engages in deception to counter public; emphasis must be put on the need to stage strikes and protests as much as possible
The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, and all other relevant UN bodies, as well as all human...
Message to the gathering of Iranians in Stockholm Women are a force for change – Support for Iranian women’s rebellion for democracy
Names of another 20 martyrs of the Iran Uprising in November 724 of the victims have so far been identified
Maryam Rajavi: I urge the UN Secretary General, UN Security Council and all international human rights organizations to take immediate steps to free the detainees
Maryam Rajavi: Demonstrations by enraged citizens, students reflect public’s demand for the regime’s overthrow
Maryam Rajavi: Overthrow this regime
This afternoon, large groups of people and students at Tehran, Sharif Industrial, Amir Kabir, and Allameh universities staged demonstrations to protest against the downing of the Ukrainian airliner by the...