Mrs. Rajavi: Khamenei, Rouhani, other regime leaders must face justice for crime against humanity
27 people confirmed dead on second day, true number higher
This morning, Saturday, November 16, 2019, thousands of people in many Iranian cities staged protest gatherings, blocked streets and highways, set fire to tires and chanted anti-regime slogans, protesting the...
Mrs. Rajavi urges young people to support the protesters, calls on international community to condemn the crackdown on protests
Subsequent to the tripling of gasoline prices, the impoverished people, enraged over the plundering of their resources by the mullahs’ corrupt regime, staged protests in many Iranian cities.
Friday evening, November 14, 2019, several Iranian cities were the scenes of protests against the tripling of gasoline prices.
On Sunday, October 20, 2019, workers at Azarab factory in the city of Arak (central Iran) continued their demonstrations for the 12th day running despite repeated threats and suppressive measures...
Mrs. Rajavi: mullahs’ suppression crumbles under workers’ resolve
Mrs. Rajavi hails the protesters and urges youths to support them
On Tuesday September 17, 2019, workers at Arak Hepco Company continued their protest outside the company despite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Riot units threatening them.