
Teachers rise up in more than 100 cities nationwide

Maryam Rajavi: With their courageous protests today, Iranian teachers showed that they will not back down despite the clerical regime's deceptive plans, threats, and suppressive measures.


68th UN Resolution condemns human rights violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: The UNGA resolution confirms that this regime has always been the leading human rights violator in the world.


Iran: Third day of Teachers’ nationwide uprising

For the third day running teachers and educators rallied in a nationwide protest.


On the sixth day of their strike, the protesting worker of Songun Mine in Varzaghan are surrounded by suppressive forces

Agents of the State Security Force and the Special Unit have line up at the gate of the Songun Mine Complex, in Varzaghan, in East Azerbaijan Province.


Maryam Rajavi: We call on Europe and France to be firm

Message to a conference at the French National Assembly - November 24, 2021


Iran Protests: Isfahan uprising in support of the protesting farmers

Maryam Rajavi urges youths to support the Isfahan uprising. With unity and solidarity, they can obtain their rights.


68th UN Resolution condemning human rights violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Dossier on four decades of Iranian regime’s human rights violations, crimes against humanity and genocide must be referred to the UN Security Council, and Khamenei, Raisi, and Eje’i (Judiciary’s chief) must be...


Prosecute Raisi For Crimes Against Humanity In Iran

Human rights usually feature prominently in America's political rhetoric but fade insignificance when it comes to concrete action.


‘Weakness arouses evil’: Pence slams Biden’s Iran policy, says America’s enemies emboldened

The Biden administration’s decision to pursue a new round of nuclear negotiations with Iran is the latest in a string of foreign policy missteps that could embolden America’s enemies “to test our resolve” around...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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