
Maryam Rajavi: The UN must immediately send investigate and fact-finding mission to Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Since de detainees are at risk of being tortured or executed, the UN must immediately send investigate and fact-finding mission to Iran


At Least 285 protesters killed by the mullahs’ regime 99 victims identified

Maryam Rajavi: Silence and inaction vis-à-vis crimes against humanity embolden the mullahs

Maryam Rajavi: Iran Rises Up in Revolt

Supporting the arisen people, the rebellious youths and resistance units in Iran is a patriotic duty


Nationwide uprising continues in Tehran despite suppression

Intense clashes between the people of Mahshahr, IRGC. Death of 16 youths


200-plus killed in Iran uprising

Mrs. Rajavi calls on UN Secretary General to convene Security Council Session


Uprising spreads to 107 cities, 61 killed in 10 cities, actual number higher

Mrs. Rajavi: Khamenei, Rouhani, other regime leaders must face justice for crime against humanity

IRAN: Khuzestan Province residents protest the rise in gasoline prices

Subsequent to the tripling of gasoline prices, the impoverished people, enraged over the plundering of their resources by the mullahs’ corrupt regime, staged protests in many Iranian cities.


Protests spread to Iranian cities against gasoline price hikes

Friday evening, November 14, 2019, several Iranian cities were the scenes of protests against the tripling of gasoline prices.

UN adopts 66th resolution censuring human rights violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Impunity for regime leaders must end; they must be prosecuted for crime against humanity


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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