
Maryam Rajavi: There is a viable alternative that has the power to overthrow the mullahs’ regime and rebuild Iran

On the sidelines of the Iranian Resistance’s Free Iran Gathering at Ashraf-3 in July 2019, hundreds of international personalities from 47 nations attended a reception in...


Maryam Rajavi calls for a firm European policy in support of the Iranian People’s Resistance for democracy

Maryam Rajavi’s speech at the Parliament of Europe – Presentation of the book on the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Human rights, the key component of a right policy on Iran

Message to the conference at UK Parliament - The right policy on Iran


Maryam Rajavi on the World Day against the Death Penalty: Thousands of executions under Rouhani rebut claims of moderation in the clerical regime

On the World Day against the Death Penalty, I salute the 120,000 champions of Iran’s freedom slain at the hands of the ruling mullahs.


Message by Maryam Rajavi, to Demonstration by Iranian-Americans

in Protest to the Presence of Religious Fascism’s Representative at the United Nations


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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