Maryam Rajavi said, "It is a national catastrophe with rare precedent in Iran's history, when the poor and drug addicts take shelter in cemeteries around the capital."
A conference was held by the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers (FIFCJ) from November 14 to 17, 2016, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Christmas is the day when the world was blessed to see the birth of God's great prophet. Merry Christmas to all Christians in Iran and around the world.
Rouhani, the so-called “moderate” President of the religious fascism ruling Iran, in a gathering of a number of regime paid agents and mercenaries, called for continuation of killing people of Aleppo
Maryam Rajavi: Resolution makes UNSC referral of Iran’s crimes, prosecution of senior officials more essential
Maryam Rajavi hailed the steadfast people of the besieged city of Aleppo, describing the massacre of the its innocent people a war crime and a crime against humanity.
During her visit to Brussels to participate in an EP conference on the International Human Rights Day,Maryam Rajavi met with Ms. An Capoen, and Ms Els Van Hoof, member of the Foreign Relations...
Washington, D.C. - In a briefing held at the Senate Kennedy Caucus Room, senior senators and former national security officials condemned the flagrant violations of human rights in Iran and the clerical...
Maryam Rajavi received and held talks with Mr. Gérard Deprez, Belgian Minister of State and Chairman of the EP inter parliamentary group, Friends of a Free Iran in Brussels.
Any solution seeking to end Daesh is conditional on complete eviction of the Iranian regime from the region, particularly from Syria. The people of Iran loathe this filthy...