Declaration by 5,000 French mayors in support of the rights of Camp Ashraf residents

Subsequent to the inhumane pressures and crimes perpetrated by the religious fascism ruling Iran, its intelligence agents and the committee tasked with the suppression of Camp Ashraf at the Iraqi...


Meeting with Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras

Statement by International Committee of In Search of Justice on Ashraf


Letter urges UN Secretary General to take action to protect Ashraf

Letter urges UN Secretary General to take action to protect Ashraf


Mayor of Magny en Vexin in Auvers

Mayor of Magny en Vexin in Auvers


Mrs. Rajavi met with Otto Bernhardt, President of the Hermann-Ehlers Foundation

Mrs. Rajavi met with Otto Bernhardt, President of the Hermann-Ehlers Foundation


Meeting with German lawmaker Norbert Geis

Meeting with German lawmaker Norbert Geis

Women Members of German Federal Parliament hold meeting to support Iranian women in the uprising and in Ashraf

Women Members of German Federal Parliament hold meeting to support Iranian women in the uprising and in Ashraf


Germany: Mrs. Rajavi met with President of the Federal Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs

Germany: Mrs. Rajavi met with President of the Federal Parliament's Committee on European Affairs


Parliamentary meeting in Finland in solidarity with Iran uprising and Camp Ashraf

Parliamentary meeting in Finland in solidarity with Iran uprising and Camp Ashraf


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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