Pompeo says Iranian ‘regime’s end is in reach’ under Trump, urges him to embrace ‘the resistance’

He said the rapid fall of the Iranian-backed Assad regime in Syria exposes the weakness of the ruling mullah in Iran, including the Ayatollah Khomeini.


Trump will finish the Ayatollahs in Iran

He promised that “the regime’s end is in reach” as it continues to suffer from “dysfunction of the highest order”. He condemned the nature of the regime, explaining how “the ayatollah’s cronies care more...

US officials see fall of Assad as opportunity to force Iranian regime change

Rajavi and her political group have a 10-point plan for regime change that calls for rebuilding an Iranian government based on separation of religion and state, gender equality, abolition of the death penalty and...


Online Conference with Italian Parliament Members

On behalf of the Iranian people's Resistance, I urge the United Nations, international human rights organizations, and governments around the world to stand against the hanging of prisoners and the massacre of protesters.


Message for the New Academic Year 2024-2025

A free Iran of tomorrow will be defined by an educational system grounded in freedom, democracy, and equality. It will provide advanced education that is both free and mandatory for all children of Iran


Message to US Senate Meeting- Bipartisan Resolution in support of the rights of the residents of Ashraf 3

The Iranian regime, with its warmongering in the Middle East, sending drones and missiles for killing in Ukraine, and continuous terrorist operations across the world, including in the United States, has shown that it...


National Council of Resistance of Iran Summit – July 2024

The NCRI summit described the simultaneity of Khamenei's disastrous defeat and nationwide boycott during the sham elections with the successful organization of the grand rally in Berlin and the Free Iran 2024 World Summit...


Maryam Rajavi: The Regime’s New President Neither Wants To Nor Can Take the Smallest Step Towards Change

The interim session of the National Council of Resistance of Iran coincided with the Iranian people’s resounding rejection of the mullahs’ dictatorship and their decisive vote for the clerical regime’s overthrow during the sham...


PMOI Social Headquarters reports: The Second Crushing Blow of Boycott

91 percent of people boycotted the second round of Khamenei's election show

Free Iran 2024 World Summit: Onward to a Democratic Republic

The Free Iran 2024 World Summit convened on Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Paris, coinciding with a huge rally by freedom-loving Iranians in Berlin. The summit took place over three days, from June 29...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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