I offer my profound condolences to the people of Germany, especially to the supporters of the Iranian resistance in that country and the freedom fighters across the world, on the passing of Mr. Otto...
A leading Iranian exiled opposition group on Saturday lashed out at incoming Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi calling him a "henchman" of the regime and whose election showed the regime's weakness.
Speeches by former Prime Ministers of Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, and Ireland, and dozens of former EU Ministers
Maryam Rajavi: The Shah could not save his regime by promoting A’zhari, and Khamenei will similarly fail to do so after promoting Raisi
Raisi must face justice in an international tribunal
UPI By Clyde Hughes- June 18 (UPI) -- Iran's
Any interaction and cooperation with the clerical regime will be in service of the repression and slaughter of the Iranian people, and its nuclear weapons ambitions, and fueling wars in the region
Speech on Eid-al Fitr - Ashraf3
Messages by Political Prisoners, Resistance Units, remarks, and messages by 84 parliamentarians and political dignitaries from 20 countries
Speech marking the anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)