
Maryam Rajavi meets Gérard Deprez, President of the Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) at the European Parliament

Dr. Gérard Deprez, former Belgian Cabinet Minister, President of the Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) inter parliamentary group at the European Parliament, and Vice-Chairman of the EP's Committee on Budgets, met...


Maryam Rajavi: Relocation of Camp Liberty residents, a strategic setback for the clerical regime, calls for a new era of change and advancement

Large crowds of Iranians celebrated the successful conclusion of Camp Liberty residents' relocation from Iraq to Europe at the office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-sur-Oise on Saturday,...


Maryam Rajavi: Iranian regime’s leaders must be prosecuted for the 1988 massacre- Speech at the seminar of Iranian communities in Europe- September 3, 2016

I call on my fellow countrymen and women to rise up in support and solidarity to expand the movement to obtain justice.


Maryam Rajavi’s message to Iranians’ demonstration in Germany- Movement to obtain justice for victims of 1988 massacre- September 3, 2016

Today, the people of Iran have targeted the ruling regime with a tide of protest and detestation in a relentless movement of seeking justice.

Regime’s leaders confess to their participation and agreement with the 1988 massacre and their fear of distortion of Khomeini’s image and added credibility for the Mojahedin in Iran

The clerical Assembly of Experts: Khomeini wrote to Montazeri that you will hand over the county to liberals and through them to the Mojahedin


Message of Maryam Rajavi to the conference at city hall in 2nd district of Paris

The movement to obtain justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre is part of the national movement for Iran's freedomThe time has come for the UN to adopt...


Maryam Rajavi calls for formation of movement to obtain justice for victims of 1988 massacre

Fellow compatriots, On the 28th anniversary of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, we salute the pure souls of those fearless warriors who are the beacons of Iran's freedom and...


Maryam Rajavi: Tape recording of Mr. Montazeri’s Meeting with Those Responsible for Mass Executions of Political Prisoners is Regime Leaders’ Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity

Maryam Rajavi, described the audio recording of a meeting between Mr. Montazeri, then successor to Khomeini, and those responsible for the mass executions of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 as...


Maryam Rajavi: Paying tribute to Italy’s aware conscience, Marco Pannella

The loss of Marco Pannella is a great toll onevery human being who has risen against injustice, oppression and tyranny.


Condolences of Maryam Rajavi: Victor Gulotta, a great supporter of Iranian Resistance in France, passes away

Victor Gulottawho brought the love and kindness of the French to the Mojahedin left us. His humanity, honesty and endless generosity, however, will remain with us for ever.


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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