mullahs’ regime

Marking the International Human Rights Day

In the name of the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance, I urge Italy and the European Union to: Condition their diplomatic and trade relations with the clerical regime on the cessation of executions...


Hearing of the Extraordinary Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights at the Italian Senate

The violation of human rights in Iran is an unrelenting war that invades every aspect of individual, social, intellectual, and cultural life. It is a comprehensive, organized, and continuous repression that tramples upon the...


Iran dissident group says six members sentenced to death

"Iranian authorities use the death penalty as a tool of fear, particularly targeting ethnic minorities and political dissidents after unfair trials," said Nahid Naghshbandi, acting Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch.

The “Chastity and Hijab” Law is Criminal and Inhumane, and Strongly Condemned

Through this oppressive law and by employing repressive forces, Khamenei seeks to subjugate society, particularly women who are at the forefront of the struggle against religious fascism.


Paris Conference: Iran- Regime Change as a Solution to the Middle East Crisis

The religious dictatorship and its allies claim that there is no alternative. This is an outright lie, and the Iranian people, along with parliamentarians around the world, have proven otherwise.


Maryam Rajavi’s Message to a Conference at the UK Parliament

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women reminds everyone—especially women—to unite their will in this struggle. No society can progress without ending violence, oppression, and exploitation against women.


IAEA Board of Governors’ Resolution Against the Clerical Regime: A Positive Step That Should Have Been Taken Sooner

Mrs. Rajavi: The first urgent step to prevent the regime from developing an atomic bomb is to activate the snapback mechanism and reinstate the Security Council's resolutions concerning the regime's nuclear projects.


UN adopts 71st resolution condemning the clerical regime for grave human rights violations

The resolution “condemns in the strongest terms the alarming increase in the application of death penalty,” including “the continued execution of women, which has reached the highest number of reported executions of women since...


Maryam Rajavi’s Remarks at the European Parliament

Today, as I stand before the House of European Democracy, I declare, the warmongering and terrorism of this regime can be ended. Democratic change and overthrow are both achievable and within reach, driven by...

Confronting the Epicenter of Terrorism and Warmongering

In October 2023, on the first day of the new Middle Eastern conflict, the Iranian Resistance declared that the Iranian regime was the head of the snake of warmongering in the region. Confronted with...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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