The Biden administration’s decision to pursue a new round of nuclear negotiations with Iran is the latest in a string of foreign policy missteps that could embolden America’s enemies “to test our resolve” around...
I offer my profound condolences to the people of Germany, especially to the supporters of the Iranian resistance in that country and the freedom fighters across the world, on the passing of Mr. Otto...
I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing away of our dear friend, Senator Carl Levin.
Speech on the 40th anniversary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - July 18, 2021
A leading Iranian exiled opposition group on Saturday lashed out at incoming Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi calling him a "henchman" of the regime and whose election showed the regime's weakness.
Online summit of Iranians from 50,000 locations in 105 countries, including gatherings in 17 countries
Maryam Rajavi : The severe shortage of electricity persists while the country's wealth is being plundered by the regime's leaders or spent on repression and warmongering and on unpatriotic nuclear and missile projects.
Maryam Rajavi called on all workers and youth to support the strikers. She said: The continuation of protests and strikes by different groups shows the Iranian people’s resolve to overthrow the clerical regime.
Exiled opposition groups on Saturday hailed a "boycott" of Iran's presidential polls won by a hardliner accused of serial rights violations, claiming the authorities exaggerated even historically low official turnout numbers.
The Iranian theocracy paves the way for hardliners involved in the mass death penalty and human rights abuses to become the country’s next president.