Referring to external pressures on the Resistance, Mr. Chassaigne emphasized the significance of emerging stronger and more unified through such challenges. He described this as a remarkable story that was not easy to achieve
A heartfelt congratulations to all compatriots and supporters of Simay Azadi
Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), told the event that the fall of Syria’s longtime dictator, Bashar al-Assad, provided a unique opportunity for Iranians...
Janez Janša, former Prime Minister of Slovenia speaks at the conference and said the people of Iran deserve democracy,
Maryam Rajavi said the regional balance of power had shifted against Iran's leadership with the all of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and the "crushing blow" suffered by its most important ally Hezbollah is its...
The regime’s leader, in one of his recent speech, threatened the people of Iran, saying that if they create unrest, they will be crushed. This is an admission by Khamenei that Iranian society is...
He promised that “the regime’s end is in reach” as it continues to suffer from “dysfunction of the highest order”. He condemned the nature of the regime, explaining how “the ayatollah’s cronies care more...
Trump’s former secretary of state called on the incoming administration to adopt a new policy that includes “recognition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the single best alternative to the clerics...
discussed regional developments in recent months, the explosive situation inside Iran, particularly the expansion of activities by the Resistance Units, and the new U.S. administration’s policy toward Iran.
The prisoners executed this year in Iran included 34 women and seven prisoners whose crimes were committed when they were juveniles. They also included 70 Afghan nationals, Amu TV reported. This represented an increase...