On the eve of the World Day Against the Death Penalty, I call on the international community to support the campaign against executions and to make diplomatic and trade relations with the regime conditional...
In this meeting, they discussed the severe and systematic human rights violations by the Iranian regime, its warmongering policies, as well as recent developments in the Iranian people's Resistance and social protests.
Export of terrorism, fundamentalism, and warmongering are the other side of domestic repression and an integral part of the regime's strategy for survival.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated that exporting terrorism and warmongering abroad, along with execution and repression at home, are Khamenei’s only tools to confront the outpouring of public anger.
Today, European countries, including Germany, have started to see the reality that the regime will not become moderate. However, by ignoring the role of the people and the deep-rooted organized resistance, they accept this regime...
On behalf of the Iranian people's Resistance, I urge the United Nations, international human rights organizations, and governments around the world to stand against the hanging of prisoners and the massacre of protesters.
Your powerful gathering today, and over the past four decades, has confronted the United Nations and its member states, especially the Western powers, with this critical question: What is the president of the regime...
Khamenei and his criminal regime bear full responsibility for the Tabas disaster and the tragic loss of these oppressed workers' lives.
A free Iran of tomorrow will be defined by an educational system grounded in freedom, democracy, and equality. It will provide advanced education that is both free and mandatory for all children of Iran
In the face of a regime characterized by executions and massacres, we must vigorously support and expand the "No to Executions" campaign. The international community must move beyond the outdated policy of appeasement towards...