On Thursday, January 18, Maryam Rajavi had a meeting with Ms. Anneli Jäätteenmäki, the former Prime Minister of Finland,
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: A regime that is the main enemy of peace, has imposed over $2 trillion in costs on the people for the atomic bomb,
On Monday, January 8, 2024, Senator Cinzia Pellegrino, a member of the EU policies committee and the Extraordinary Committee on the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights at the Italian Senate visited and held...
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, is sending more and more prisoners to the gallows every day, fearing the people's uprising.
Appeasement of religious fascism, which only remains in power through executions at home and terrorism and warmongering abroad
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: The case of the regime's crimes should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, and its leaders, especially Khamenei, Raisi, Eje’i, should face justice.
Maryam Rajavi: The mullahs’ regime is the main source of warmongering and the worst enemy of peace in the region
Maryam Rajavi: The clerical regime has provoked a destructive war while facing the crisis of overthrow
“The head of the snake is in Tehran, the epicenter of terrorism and warmongering,” said MEK's Maryam Rajavi
On November 25, 2023, Maryam Rajavi met and held talks with a delegation from the Nationalist Party of Malta, led by Dr. Alex Perici Calascione, the party's deputy leader