NEW YORK POST-Brave Iranian women, supported by a generation of young men, educated and knowing their inalienable rights, have openly and ferociously rejected the brutal religious dictatorship of Ali Khamenei and all his loyalists...
“Iran will be liberated only by the hands and will of its people.”
Speech by Maryam Rajavi to a gathering of Iranians at Earls Court Hall in London, June 21, 1996
Message to the Iranians’ rally in New York
Maryam Rajavi: I salute the youth, students and Bazaaris who have risen up in various parts of the country
Maryam Rajavi: Iranian women and youths will overcome this misogynous regime
Maryam Rajavi called for public mourning, underscored imperative of dissolving the misogynous patrols
I extend my deepest sympathies to the family of Mahsa Amini
We have repeatedly reiterated our position: “No to the compulsory veil, no to the compulsory religion, and no to the compulsory government.”
A fundamentalist regime has been ruling Iran. Its main character is enmity to women.