
Women have been the main target of the Iranian regime — now they’re leading the revolution to bring it down

NEW YORK POST-Brave Iranian women, supported by a generation of young men, educated and knowing their inalienable rights, have openly and ferociously rejected the brutal religious dictatorship of Ali Khamenei and all his loyalists...


Iran: Women are Force for Change

Speech by Maryam Rajavi to a gathering of Iranians at Earls Court Hall in London, June 21, 1996


Iran: Fifth day of the popular uprising; Third day of protests in universities

Maryam Rajavi: I salute the youth, students and Bazaaris who have risen up in various parts of the country

Iran:Saqqez residents’ protest gathering at Mahsa Amini’s funeral

Maryam Rajavi: Iranian women and youths will overcome this misogynous regime


Enraged citizens protest the murder of Mahsa Amini Chant “death to Khamenei, I will kill whoever killed my sister”

Maryam Rajavi called for public mourning, underscored imperative of dissolving the misogynous patrols

A call to protest the harassment and insulting of women by the misogynist mullahs’ regime patrols

We have repeatedly reiterated our position: “No to the compulsory veil, no to the compulsory religion, and no to the compulsory government.”


A selection of the laws against women in Iran

A fundamentalist regime has been ruling Iran. Its main character is enmity to women.


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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