Message by Maryam Rajavi’s to the rally by Iranians in Washington DC – November 19, 2004

Terror Label on Mojahedin and Appeasement of Mullahs, an Ominous Policy with Ominous Results
In all these difficult years, you have demonstrated aptly that you will not relent in this path and that despite all conspiracies and pressures, you grow more resolute and determined everyday.
In the Name of God,
In the Name of Iran,
In the Name of Freedom
Greetings to my beloved compatriots,
Greetings to women, men and youths across our fettered homeland
Greetings to the combatants of freedom in Ashraf City, the steadfast and honorable bastion of the Iranian Resistance
Greetings to you, dignified supporters of the Resistance who have traveled from all across the United States and other countries to Washington DC.
In all these difficult years, you have demonstrated aptly that you will not relent in this path and that despite all conspiracies and pressures, you grow more resolute and determined everyday.
Now you have arisen at this critical juncture to echo the Iranian nation’s outcry for justice and to say:
– the terrorist label against the Mojahedin originated as part of a deal with the religious dictatorship ruling Iran and must be removed immediately,
– the terrorist allegation denies the Iranian nation the right to resist against dictatorship. This injustice must end,
– this unwarranted allegation amounts to a fatwa to suppress the Mojahedin and combatants of freedom,
– this blatant injustice violates all fundamental human, moral and legal values and must not continue.
These are not the words of the Iranian nation only. All human rights advocates, all aware and conscientious people who voiced protest last month, upon hearing about the dirty deal between three European countries and the clerics, which called for keeping the Mojahedin on the terrorist list in return for Tehran’s commitment to limit its nuclear program, condemn strongly such brazenness in international relationships.
Nine days ago, the most eminent legal scholars took part in a conference in Paris. Some 500 jurists and political personalities from 16 countries were in attendance. In nine thorough legal opinions, these jurists confirmed that accusing the Mojahedin of terrorism blatantly violated international humanitarian law, European Union’s laws, the European Convention on human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
They said those who are denying the rights of those who resist have become allies of the dictators and bear responsibility for breaching their own laws. In the name of law and justice, they emphasized that human rights were not subject to negotiations.
I ask those who have put the Mojahedin in the terrorist lists whether they are interested in listening to the voices of law and justice. Is there anything more despicable than dealing over the right to resist for freedom by an oppressed nation?
The terror tag on the resistance is to give license to suppress dissidents by a barbaric regime, which the U.S. President has described as being part of the “Axis of Evil.” On what basis and based on what laws do you give this evil regime a license to suppress?
This unprincipled policy is not only against the highest interests of the Iranian people but also against peace, stability and tranquility in the region and the world. Today, it is the Iranian people and Resistance that are sacrificed. Tomorrow it will be the people and democracy in Europe that would be sacrificed by this policy. The policy of giving concessions to the clerical regime at the expense of the Iranian Resistance, reflected in the deal between the European Union and Tehran, has had dire consequences in three major areas:
The first is to give Tehran time to procure nuclear weapons. The mullahs’ promises to the Europeans about limiting their nuclear programs is only a game of deception and an attempt to find more time to obtain a nuclear bomb. Just as the new agreement was singed, the National Council of Resistance of Iran revealed the mullahs’ nuclear concealment and illicit activities. This was a glimpse of the mullahs’ plans and efforts to obtain nuclear arms.
The second consequence is to embolden the mullahs to export terrorism and fundamentalism, particularly to Iraq. This policy provides the mullahs with the opportunity to complete their plans to meddle in Iraq. Last summer, Iraqi ministers and senior officials confirmed, “Iran’s meddling in Iraq since the founding of the Iraqi state is extensive and unprecedented” and that “Iran was playing a major role in terrorist operations.” Iraqi officials and sources have talked about the formation of a clandestine military government in Iraq’s second largest city, Basra, by the Iranian regime. They stated, “The city of Basra has fallen into the hands of a radical Islamic group that is being controlled by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence.” Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s advisers say on state television that they have taken America hostage in Iraq. Two weeks ago, during Friday prayers congregation, Khamenei spoke of the war between “Islam” and America in Iraq. He said, “The Americans will soon be defeated in their war with Islam.”
The third adverse consequence relates to developments inside Iran. More than two decades ago, the Iranian Resistance Leader underscored that the clerical regime lacked the capacity to reform and that a viper would never give birth to a dove. Nevertheless, we saw that in labeling the Mojahedin as a terrorist group by the Clinton administration, State Department officials said that the move was a “goodwill gesture” to the so-called moderate President Mohammad Khatami. This policy has not only failed today, but turned into a scandal.
The “goodwill gesture” to the clerical regime benefited the most extremist faction of the clerical regime, which is pursuing the policy of stepping up repression in society. Just a few days ago, the United Nations Third Committee adopted a resolution censuring the continuing human rights violations in Iran. This was the fifty-first censure resolution by different UN agencies.
I ask the European Union and the U.S. State Department, why and on what basis you are continuing this “ominous policy with ominous consequences”
Majorities in the U.S. Congress and in many European Parliaments have rejected this designation and declared the Mojahedin to be a legitimate resistance. Why are you continuing this harmful and dangerous policy that is contrary to the views of the American and European people and their elected representatives?
Different US agencies declared after 16 months of investigations and interviews with the Mojahedin based in Iraq that there was no basis to charge any member of the group with links to terrorism. Based on what law and what right did you put the terror tag on this movement?
The terror label against the resistance gives the mullahs the justification to execute and flog young people in public and torture dissidents in prisons. It is also a means to exert pressure on Iranian refugees and supporters of the Iranian Resistance abroad.
Is it not shameful that the mullahs have spread their repressive policies to Europe and America and everyday call for more restrictions and pressures on Iranian refugees? What is all this pressure against refugees and members and sympathizers of the Iranian Resistance as well as the harassment by the police for? End these pressures and disgraceful actions that constitute an insult to the great Iranian nation.
You should rest assured that a resistance movement, which did not relent in its quest for freedom despite the clerical regime’s barbaric suppression, will not cease its activities due to these pressures, raids, arrests and threats. Hear the voice of the Iranian people and Resistance and end the appeasement of the ruling religious dictatorship. Remove the terror tag and recognize the rights of the Iranian nation to wage resistance for freedom.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, America’s Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution have recognized this right.
Dear compatriots, Iranians residing in the United States,
Truth will never remain hidden. Despite all the back-channel dealings and conspiracies by the clerical regime, when serious investigations were conducted, relevant US agencies and senior officials acknowledged that after a 16-month investigation there was no basis to accuse any member of the Mojahedin of terrorism.
If under the most critical circumstances, owing to your perseverance and Mojahedin’s principled positions, the truth has become clear, the mullahs’ pressures and conspiracies against you will not have any impact. In a democratic environment, you can neutralize the mullahs’ schemes and expose them before the eyes of everyone.
On the road to being overthrown, the mullahs have shifted the battle for Iran’s freedom to this international and political campaign. Through the terror label, they are saying that Iran and Iranians do not have the right to resist for freedom. They say that Iran and Iranians must be content with Khomeini, Khamenei, Rafsanjani and Khatami. They say Iran and Iranians should be identified with this anti-Iranian clerical regime.
You brave Iranians should expose this big lie. Go town to town, street to street, house to house, to make the world accept the right to resist by the Iranian nation, to cast aside the terrorist label and to bring a new future to Iran.
Conscientious people of the world, those who have offered sacrifice on the road to democracy and the rule of law, are with you in this campaign, This enormous human force is your eternal capital and powerful backer.
We will not relent in the resistance to realize the sacred right of the Iranian nation. We will bring freedom to Iran and establish popular sovereignty.
Long Live Freedom