The people have the right to abolish tyrannies

They said it couldn’t be done, but she made the case for freedom, the case for the MEK, the case for delisting the MEK. And let me say this about Madame Rajavi. When she testified and made the case for freedom for Iran, I was impressed and others were impressed.
All of us in the world and in all of history are given, by God, certain rights. We get them from God, not from government… [They are] in the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But there is another right — freedom — that is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence that all peoples have. Thomas Jefferson further wrote that governments are instituted among people to secure those rights… And if governments don’t do that, the people have the right to alter or abolish that government. It is the right of the people to abolish a tyrannical government like the mullahs have in Iran.
What’s the evidence that they have forfeited the right to govern the people of Iran? Well, how about 120,000 murders of Iranian people? How about the attacks in Camp Ashraf and Ashraf 2. How about the attacks that they wanted to have on you here in Albania? How about the assassination attempts? How about the fact that this terrorist organization is operating everywhere there is trouble in the world… Whether it’s in Yemen … Lebanon …Syria … South America, whether it’s ships at sea in international waters being attacked, whether it’s aircraft in international airspace being attacked, you will see the mullahs and the IRGC. They have forfeited the right to rule the people of Iran. They are guilty of high crimes. They are guilty of murder on the high seas and against their people….
Some things are worth living for and some things are worth dying for, and I can think of no greater cause for any of us than to live and die, if necessary, for freedom.
- Tags: freedom