The uprising’s roaring persistence reached the peak on the 40th day

Maryam Rajavi: The martyrs’ sacred blood planting the seeds of revolution in rebellious cities
The Iranian people’s uprising reached a peak on its 40th day. Its roaring persistence despite brutal repression showed to the world that the overthrow of the velayat-e faqih regime (absolute clerical rule) and the victory of the people’s freedom and sovereignty are inevitable.
Now, it is this fearless generation and this army of uprising and freedom that will have the final say.
We salute the hundreds of youths and teenagers who laid down their lives for Iran’s freedom. They braved bullets and said that if Iran cannot be freed except through our sacrifice, we offer our lives.
Tulips have grown from the blood of the country’s youths
Cedars have bent under the heavy grief of their loss
A fearless generation, the Army of Uprising and Freedom
Our beloved Mahsa’s martyrdom sparked the uprising, such that a volcano erupted throughout Iran on the 40th day.
By singing the “Ey Raghib” song, Saqqez targeted Khamenei and cried out, “From Kurdistan to Tehran, we sacrifice our lives for Iran.”
Tehran, the world’s most rebellious city, rose up in 45 locations.
Students rose up in 61 universities, people protested in 58 cities and bazaars, and workers demonstrated and went on strike in two refineries.
And one day after the uprising reached its peak, anger and flames again broke out in Mahabad like a hurricane and burned down the centers of repression and crime.
During the final phase of the Shah’s rule, uprisings erupted once every forty days on the 40th day of mourning for every martyr.
Now, on the 40th day of the martyrdom of my dear Nika, the people of Lorestan passionately sang, Dayah dayah vaght-e jangah, “O’motherland, it’s time to fight,” declaring their readiness to overthrow the clerical regime.
Forty days of uprising in the fight against 40 years of crime
Indeed, in these 40 days, the protesters defied 40 years of crime by Khamenei and his regime. Such that:
1. In this uprising, the Iranian women fittingly assumed their role as the leaders of the protests.
Of course, this is not a coincident, nor did it happen overnight. It is the fruition of the resistance of all freedom-loving women. It is the product of PMOI/MEK women’s uncompromising and blood-drenched struggle against the mullahs’ misogynistic tyranny.
Yes, this revolution is spearheaded and shouldered by women for freedom and democracy and against gender and religious discrimination. And its victory will inevitably guarantee gender equality and the separation of religion and the state.
2. At the height of their revolutionary movement, the protesters and their protests followed the example of Resistance Units, using the same tactics, targets, and roadmap. In other words, the heroic people of Iran have chosen to stand firm and on the offense to end the rule of the mullahs’ repressive and criminal regime.
The scenes of your barehanded defiance of the heavily armed suppressive forces and the way you have broken the wall of fear and terrified the enemy has stunned the world.
3. During these 40 days, students took back from the regime and its agents the universities, these bastions of freedom. Courageous students rose up in at least 100 universities across Iran and foiled the regime’s 40-year-long plans to shackle the universities.
4. The start of revolts by high school student, especially the valiant girl students, frightened the regime. These students are the pioneers of a 14-million-strong army that rumbles through the streets, leaving mullahs helpless in confronting them, just like the Shah in the final months of his rule.
5. The mantra of neither the Shah, nor the mullahs, which the National Council of Resistance of Iran has firmly called for in the past four decades, has become the slogan of the masses, manifested in the chants of “Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or the (mullahs’ supreme) leader.”
6. Our compatriots showed that despite all the political, ideological, and ethnic variances, they have a consensus on overthrowing the regime.
And as Massoud [Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance,] said, “Unity and solidarity are tested and applied on the ground and in the battle to overthrow religious tyranny.”
7. The thunder of the Iran uprising has forced the regime’s appeasers to take a stand against religious fascism and its crimes. This is the first step for the international community; of course, a positive one. But it is by no means sufficient. The world must recognize the struggle of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime. The world must recognize the rightfulness of the struggle of the courageous Iranian youths against the regime’s terrorist IRGC.
The world must prosecute the regime leaders for their barbaric crimes in Evin and other prisons, the murder of children and youths, and the massacre of the oppressed people of Zahedan. It must do so today and not tomorrow.
Freedom, the Iranian people’s historical cry
Yes, the powerful Iran uprising has fueled the flames in the souls of tens of millions of Iranians throughout our occupied homeland with the sacred word of “freedom, freedom, freedom.”
Freedom is the historical cry of the Iranian people. From the uprisings on June 20, and September 27, 1981, which spread the slogan “down with Khomeini” among the people, to the series of uprisings of the last three decades, and up to the present day. These cries will continue until the valiant people of Iran inflict the final and decisive blow on the despondent Khamenei and his faltering regime.
Tomorrow, October 29, marks the seventh anniversary of the missile attack by Khamenei’s IRGC on Camp Liberty [in Iraq], home to the People’s Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK), in which 24 were killed. Khamenei never imagined that the sacred blood of those martyrs would plant the seeds of revolution in Iran’s rebellious cities.
The democratic revolution of the Iranian people will win.
Long live the Iranian people!
Glory to the martyrs!
Long live freedom!
- Tags: Iran, mullahs' regime, Uprising