Maryam Rajavi is campaigning for equality for all ethniticities in Iran

One of the most important issues that the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has pointedly addressed since its inception is the autonomy of oppressed ethnic minorities. Of course, since the beginning of Khomeini’s rule, the groups and forces that later formed the NCRI stood up against the suppression of our Kurd, Arab, Turkmen and other ethnic compatriots by the regime.

Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities of Iran

The NCRI underlines in its Plan that all nationalities and their various associated branches and affiliations in our country will enjoy internal autonomy. The Plan also underscores that their cultural, social and political rights and freedoms would be respected within the framework of the country’s unity, national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Specifically, the NCRI drew up a 12-point plan for the Autonomy of the Iranian Kurdistan which was adopted in 1983. Three decades later, it continues to offer one of the world’s most comprehensive and inclusive models in this regard.(1)
Tomorrow’s Iran will be committed to the equality of all ethnicities. We underline the Plan for the Autonomy of the Iranian Kurdistan, as adopted by the NCRI. The languages and cultures of our compatriots from any nationality are among our nation’s human capital and should be promoted and be promulgated in tomorrow’s Iran.

Respect for Cultural, Social and Political Rights

We seek the eradication of dual discrimination against all ethnic minorities in Iran in the framework of the country’s indivisible territorial integrity.(2)
We believe that ethnic minorities in Iran comprise a powerful and effective force for toppling the mullahs’ regime and achieving freedom. Therefore, we should value this multi-cultural and multi-lingual character of our nation.

Our compatriots who are from different nationalities, cultures and languages, must be able to equally participate in national decision-making processes. They must be able to preserve their cultural, religious and lingual identity. They must be able to speak, work and study in their mother tongues and promote them.(3)

Vision of a Free Iran for Citizen and Religious Equality

When adorned by freedom and people’s sovereignty, our Iran would become an amazingly beautiful garden. Baluchies, Kurds, Arabs, Lors, Bakhtiaries, Turkmens, Azeries and other ethnic groups and followers of various faiths are the colorful and lovely flowers of Iran’s garden. And the day will certainly come when Iran becomes a garden of freedom and justice.(4)

We are committed to the equality of followers of all religions. It is incredibly painful for us to see that our Sunni sisters and brothers are deprived of having their own mosques in Iran; Or that Sunni scholars are under double pressure and suppression. This is against the teachings of Islam.
We are committed to full equality of all Iranian citizens, including Arabs and Fars as well as Kurds and Baluchies. This is what guarantees Iran’s interests. And it forms one of the plans of the Iranian Resistance.(5)


1-Excerpts from the speech to the three-day session of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on its 40th founding anniversary – July 23-26, 2020
2-Excerpts from the speech to the gathering of Iranians in Bourget, Paris – July 3, 2006
3-Excerpts from the message on the new academic year 2015-2016
4-Excerpts from the speech on Nowruz 1395 (March 2016)
5-Interview with the International Al-Ahram newspaper – October 25, 2011

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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