Question: what will you do after the mullahs are overthrown?

We are saying that the Iranian people’s vote, choice and opinion must have sovereignty.
We have come to sacrifice ourselves for the Iranian people’s free choice.
This choice will herald trust, freedom and justice in Iran. And it shall be so.
Supporters of the resistance,
You ask what our policy is and what path lies ahead of us?
The answer is to carry on the fight in all its forms, everywhere and with full power.
You ask what our goal is.
The answer is to establish freedom, democracy and equality in the fettered Iran.
If this struggle faces difficulty and hardship, if it is long and torturous, so be it. We are not afraid because we have risen to sacrifice all of our being and existence to the cause of the Iranian people’s freedom.
So, we must rise up by relying on the force of wisdom to fight on with the beast of oppression. And we shall fight, until we uproot the dragon and sketch a new plan.