• صفحه اول / Maryam Rajavi in Foreign Committee of Norwegian Parliament- Febraury 26, 2014
اسفند-۱۳ ۱۳۹۲

Maryam Rajavi in Foreign Committee of Norwegian Parliament- Febraury 26, 2014

Maryam Rajavi in Foreign Committee of Norwegian Parliament- 26 February 2014
In a meeting with members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense in the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), and representatives from other committees in the Norwegian Parliament, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, Maryam Rajavi discussed questions related to Iran. Mr. Kristian Norheim, second deputy- chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense led the meeting. Mr. Norheim represents the Progress Party, a coalition partner in the government of Norway. Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the deplorable human rights situation in Iran, Tehran’s meddling in Syria and the need for action regarding the mullahs’ nuclear threat.
روز سه شنبه 6 اسفند 1392 (25 فوريه) به دعوت خانم نيباك نايب رئيس پارلمان نروژ، مريم رجوي در اجلاس رسمي پارلمان نروژ كه با شركت وزير خارجه اين كشور تشكيل شده بود، حضور يافت.

نمايندگان پارلمان نروژ پس از شركت مريم رجوي و هيأت مقاومت ايران به طرح سئوالاتي در باره حفاظت مجاهدان اشرفي در ليبرتي و قتل عام اول سپتامبر در اشرف پرداختند و به دولت نروژ براي تأمين امنيت ليبرتي و آزادي هفت گروگان اشرفي و انجام يك تحقيقات بين المللي فراخوان دادند.

Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the deplorable human rights situation in Iran, Tehran’s meddling in Syria and the need for action regarding the mullahs’ nuclear threat

It a meeting with members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence in the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), and representatives from other committees in the Norwegian Parliament, Wednesday February 26, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran discussed questions related to Iran. Mr. Kristian Norheim, Second Deputy- chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence led the meeting. Mr. Norheim represents the Progress Party, a coalition partner in the government of Norway.

ما را دنبال کنید

مریم رجوی

maryam rajavi

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