Conference Justice Prevail, Iranian Resistance Vindicated Headquarters of the National Council of Resistance 8 November 2014
Maryam Rajavi Meets French Supporters- 2 November 2014
Maryam Rajavi at French National Assembly– 28 October 2014
Maryam Rajavi- The case of the judicial proceedings of June 17 has collapsed – 24 September 2014
Maryam Rajavi- Gathering for the anniversary of massacre of 52 hero martyrs in camp Ashraf – 1 September 2014
Maryam Rajavi- International Conference at the UN European Headquarters in Geneva- 13 August 2014
Maryam Rajavi, Ramadan gathering- 26 July 2014
Maryam Rajavi, Annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance: All for freedom– Paris- June 2014
Meeting Maryam Rajavi and Mr. Ahmad Jarba in Paris -23 May 2014
Maryam Rajavi’s testimony, Hearing of Canadian parliamentary subcommittee on International Human Rights– 15 May 2014
Maryam Rajavi, French Parliament – 6 May 2014
Maryam Rajavi in the gathering at Villepinte, Onward to Freedom- June 22, 2013
Maryam Rajavi- Villepinte, June 23, 2012
Maryam Rajavi- Conference in Paris- 12 April 2014
Maryam Rajavi, European Parliament, 9 April 2014
Maryam Rajavi sends message to Iranians’ Nowrouz gathering in Berlin– 29 March 2014