• صفحه اول / Universal convention of over 300 Iranian associations from Europe, United States and Australia in Paris
بهمن-۲۴ ۱۳۹۲

Universal convention of over 300 Iranian associations from Europe, United States and Australia in Paris

Universal convention of over 300 Iranian associations from Europe, United States and Australia in Paris – 10 February 2014
On the eve of the 35th anniversary of the anti-monarchial revolution, representatives of over 300 Iranian associations from all over the world held their first universal convention in Paris.
This convention encompassed a wide range of intellectuals, political and human rights activists, women’s rights activists, scientists, experts, entrepreneurs of many professions, and students, as well as ethnic and religious minorities from Iran. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and a number of prominent politicians from the United States and Europe spoke at the convention.

در آستانه سي و پنجمين سالگرد انقلاب ضد سلطنتي، نمايندگان بيش از 300 انجمن و تشكل ايرانياز سراسر جهان، اولين كنوانسيون سراسري خود رادر پاريس برگزار كردند اين كنوانسيون دربرگيرنده طيف وسيعي از روشنفكران، فعالان سياسي و حقوق بشري، فعالان حقوق زنان، دانشمندان، كارشناسان،صاحبان مشاغل و حرفه هاي مختلف، دانشجويانو همچنين اقليتهاي قومي و مذهبيايران بود.خانم مريم رجوي رييس جمهور برگزيده مقاومت ايران و شماري از شخصيتهاي برجسته سياسي از آمريكا و اروپا در اين كنوانسيون سخنراني كردند.

On the eve of the 35th anniversary of the anti-monarchial revolution, representatives of over 300 Iranian associations from all over the world held their first universal convention in Paris.

This convention encompassed a wide range of intellectuals, political and human rights activists, women’s rights activists, scientists, experts, entrepreneurs of many professions, and students, as well as ethnic and religious minorities from Iran. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and a number of prominent politicians from the United States and Europe offered their speeches to this convention.

ما را دنبال کنید

مریم رجوی

maryam rajavi

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